November 18, 2009


So, I guess it’s come to this. Its 3:00AM and I’m posting something. I don’t have anything at all to write about. Quite the contrary. But I’m so done sharing a car, and I think the only way DH will take the BART enough times to realize he’s done, too, is if I go to bed at 4 or 5 AM and he therefore feels bad about waking me for work. Fortunately, I don’t have to even show up for work tomorrow, all the people who would miss me will be away from the office. Did you hear me? Done. I’m not evil, its just DH has these meetings until 9:15pm, and I get so done with work by about 8:30pm that my poor co-workers have to witness the return of self-frenchbraids. It would be amazing if I could hop in my high-mpg vehicle and escort myself home at, oh, about 7:00pm, when I’m done but not yet crazy. DH has so far seemed to enjoy crazy, hey, he gets a ride home; but tomorrow maybe he’ll get a little taste and understand. Yes, I know, it’s not frugal, but I’m seriously winging out over here. Its been two months since I gave up any personal space or freedom I may have once enjoyed. That's the number of months since I drove to or from work by myself, since I went grocery shopping alone, since I had control of the remote, since I got to spend Saturday mornings watching the Food Network instead of playing it in my head while I cooked and cleaned, and its a bit of a transition for me. I miss old me a fair bit right now. I could really do with a run. Too bad the car situation limits me to exactly 0 early morning state-park runs a week. UGH! I hate being so bitter. That's why I'm up at 3am. I'm protesting being bitter. And lobbying for a "new" car.

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